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兰茜:198710月,女,汉族,农学博士。2010年毕业于四川农业大学动物科学专业,获农学学士;2010-2017年在四川农业大学动物遗传育种与繁殖专业(家禽方向—朱庆教授课题组)硕博连读,获农学博士;其中,2014.10-2016.10赴美国爱荷华州立大学mobile288-365Susan J. Lamont教授课题组进行了为期两年的联合培养,主要研究方向是家禽的免疫遗传和高通量检测,期间多次参加国际会议并做相关研究汇报。在《Scientific Reports》、《BMC Genomics》、《PLOS One》等杂志上发表论文十余篇。



1. 中央高校博士基金:热应激协同脂多糖对鸡免疫细胞基因表达量的影响研究;SWU1170422017/10-2019/1210万;主持;

2. 国家自然基金青年基金:鸡干扰素调节因子7IRF7)抗J亚型禽白血病(ALV-J) 的分子机制研究;316019362017/01-2019/1220万;主研;

3. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,3140130954STAC3AP1μ1作用介导葡萄糖摄入调控鸡骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖和分化的研究,2015/01-2017/1228万,结题,主研。



1. Xi Lan, Yan Wang, Qing Zhu et al. Host and virus transcriptome response after ALV-J injection in SPF chicken. Scientific Reports, (2017)7 :46156

2. Xi Lan, John C.F. Hsieh, Carl J. Schmidt et al. Liver Transcriptome Response to Hyperthermia Stress in Three Distinct Chicken Lines. BMC Genomics, (2016) 17:955   

3. Xi Lan, Diyan LI, Yan Wang et al. Effect of monochromatic light on the crown performance of chickens. Indian J. Anim, 2013, 47(2):175-177    

4. Xi Lan, Carl J. Schmidt and Susan J. Lamont. Heat-Susceptible and Heat-Resistant Chicken Lines Reveal Differentially Expressed Genes in Liver in Response to Heat Stress. Animal Industry Report, 2016, ASLR3095

5. Xi Lan, John C. F. Hsieh, Carl J. Schmidt, Qing Zhu and Susan J. Lamont. Single Gene Consistently Associated with Heat Stress Response in Three Distinct Chicken Lines. Animal Industry Report, 2017, ASLR3173

6. Xi Lan, John C. F. Hsieh, Carl J. Schmidt, Qing Zhu and Susan J. Lamont. Heat Stress Alters Immune Pathways in Liver of Divergent Chicken Lines. Animal Industry Report, 2017, ASLR3176.

7. Yan Wang, Yue Yin, Xi Lan(Co-author), Fei Ye et al. Molecular characterization, expression of chicken TBK1 gene and its effect on IRF3 signaling pathway. PLOS One, 2017, 0177608

8. Yue Yin, Xi Lan (Co-author), Kai Tian et al. The Differences of Serum IFN-β and Antibodies Concentrations in Chickens at Early and Late ALV-J Infection Stage. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2014, 13(15):930-936

9. Y.D. Peng, H.Y. Xu, F. Ye, Xi Lan et al. Effects of sex and age on chicken TBC1D1 gene mRNA expression. Genetics and Molecular Research 14 (3): 7704-7714 (2015)

10. Huadong Yin, Zhichao Zhang, Xi Lan, Xiaoling Zhao et al. Association of MyF5, MyF6and MyOG Gene Polymorphisms with Carcass Traits in Chinese Meat Type Quality Chicken Populations. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2011, 10(6): 704-708

10. 兰茜,朱庆,刘益平,尹华东,张姚,李江元,赵小玲. 二郎山山地鸡一世代产蛋性能选育效果研究. 中国家禽. 2010, 32(23): 27-32

11. 兰茜,尹月,李天杰,朱庆,刘益平,赵小玲,王彦. J亚型禽白血病病毒检测及相关分析. 中国科技论文

12. 尹月,兰茜,李天杰,朱庆,刘益平,赵小玲,王彦. J亚型禽白血病病毒对鸡产蛋性能的影响. 四川农业大学学报. 2013,02(31):211-215.



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